Thursday, August 24, 2017

Breaking the Grey Wall, Again

"Your preparation for the real world is not in the answers you've learned, but in the questions you've learned how to ask yourself."  – Bill Watterson
Before I get to my post, I wanted to thank you for taking the time to click on the link to my blog and reading my thoughts.  I cannot say enough how much I truly, honestly, and really do appreciate it!

Okay, for the main reason for this post, the Grey Wall!

What "Grey Wall"?  Are you making a really bad Game of Thrones reference?

Actually, no, and, uh, I don't really follow Game of Thrones....  Please don't send Drogon after me!

As to the "Grey Wall," it is what I have renamed the fourth wall.  What is the grey wall?  Simple.  To me, you are on the other side of this post, the other side of this blog, on the side of the internet in my grey zone out of my reach.  You reside in this world beyond my own in a twilight zone of sorts.  Because I cannot see you and we are communicating through a bunch of 1's and 0's, you are a grey face, a person I know exists, but cannot physically interact with.  I would have to somehow dive into my computer to break down this grey wall with a virtual hammer which we all know can’t happen until science pulls some sort of sci-fi magic.

Are you trying to be Thor?

Not at all.  I'm not going to Hulk Smash through the grey wall either.  Besides, I'm a Loki fan!  I just want to install a window!  I want you to see me as more than 1's and 0's.  So let’s break the ice with an Author Interview!  Now, every good author does an interview, or so I’ve been told.  However, I do not want to come up with my own questions to make myself look amazing.  Nor do I want to find a generic list of questions to choose from.  Instead, I am tossing myself into the winds of fate and handing the questions to you, the readers, viewers, friends, and passersby.  Whatever questions you ask, whatever you want to know about me, my writing, what weather I like, or what I daydream about, I shall answer as truthfully as I can.  

You want us to give you an interview?  What are we supposed to ask?

Of course!  I'm more interested in what my audience wants to know about me than what I think y'all want.  Probably because I'm terrible at guessing.  For those who would like to read my original interviews, here's the short list:

How will we give you our questions?

First place is on my blog.  Leave a comment or send me a message!  Next option is to through my Facebook page, or even through Twitter.  Don't worry about asking the same questions or repeating something from a previous interview.  Time has passed and things have changed.  Most answers will change.  You'll only find out if you ask!

When will we have answers?

Once I have gathered all these new and interesting questions.  I will have the Interview up quickly, that is if you consider “in a few weeks” quick.  I’m trying to not be a grey face hiding on the internet trying to sell my books, though I am going to keep promoting my work and inform my readers of new releases, updates, sales, and events.  After all, that is kind of one of the reasons why my blog is here, right

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